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The HFC Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) File Format specification that outlines the processing of Bank transactions that HFC Bank receives from clients.


HFC EFT File Format specification

Steps to configure HFC EFT File 

  1. Configure the file extension in menu "Integration -> Integration Setup -> PAYDirectBankFile -> HFCAll -> FileExtension" as: pc1
  2. Enter the company's bank account details in menu "Company Administration ->  Bank -> [HFC] -> Accounts"
  3. Enter the company's Registration Number details in menu "Company Administration -> Bank -> [HFC] -> Accounts"
  4. Configure the "Number Mapping" details in menu "Company Administration ->  Bank -> [HFC] -> Number Mapping"

    Number Mapping for HFC
      BankMapping Number  
     Australia and New Zealand Banking Group [ANZ]  010-890
     Bank of Baroda [BOB]  049-101
     Bank South Pacific [BSP]  069-001
     Bred Bank [BRED]  119-010
     HFC Bank [HFC]  129-010
     Westpac Banking Corporation [WBC]  039-001

  5. Enter the employee's bank account details in menu "Employee Profile -> Employee Pay Setup -> Direct Credit "


  1. The entries in the bank file are restricted to the banks configured in the "Number Mapping".
    For example, in the above setup, the bank file will contain entries from "ANZ,BOB,BSP,BRED,HFC & WBC".
  2. If you want to exclude a bank, then delete the "Number Mapping" record for that bank.